In a world where change is now the norm and reinvention is a commonly placed event within corporations, life at the top, including performance, is anything but predictable.
As a Strategic Behaviourist,
I challenge the thinking and beliefs of senior leaders and their teams, helping them rethink some of their strategies in line with their expectations and human collateral.
Often, strategies are set, existing personnel are encouraged to rethink, and excessive pressure is placed upon these individuals to achieve what many consider impossible.
In my world as a Strategic Behaviourist, I set about helping Corporations create a "Learning Organisation" full of curiosity, where the modern leader is an "Enabler".
Working with the concept of change "using knowledge we do not know, understand, or have experience of" is paramount to the survival of many companies in their quest to think of the future and work with the unknown.
Directors and Senior Management
The human collateral (Directors and senior management) must be coached, inspired, led and encouraged to encompass this change management process where "only the unexpected is innovative".
Developing senior personnel to understand and embrace the concept of "Inspirational Leadership" to help their teams act and think differently is paramount.
Creating an expectation of constant change, thinking differently, and developing a culture that supports this new modus operandi become the norm.
As a Strategic Behaviourist, I explore with senior leaders, through the use of a behavioural, emotional intelligence audit, how the thinking, learning and innovation process may be implanted as a day-to-day norm, helping to create inspirational leaders who can make a difference and, in many cases, achieve what would be considered otherwise impossible.
Emotional Intelligence is no longer nice but needs to be understood and utilised in forward-thinking and people-driven companies.
Having 32 years of experience in this field and an intuitive feel for people's performance has led to several highly successful turnarounds in corporate leadership and, ultimately, shareholder delight.